Global GovTech provider Civica has recently acquired LinkSafe, marking a significant milestone in the evolution of the company. Discover more about this exciting development by following the link to the official press release. Click here to view the whole article


The Importance of Tracking Time and Attendance

Close up image of a person working at a desk with a laptop

For industrial businesses that employ contractors on a project basis, there is probably no more important information than knowing who specifically is working in a particular area and when they are working there.

There are many positive benefits that result from implementation of an appropriate time and attendance tracking system. Some of these benefits include:

  • Better work site security. If the system is implemented properly, you will be aware of contractors being in the right place at the right time, and more importantly you’ll also know if they’re in the wrong place at the wrong time.
  • You will have more accurate information during an emergency. Imagine a scenario where workers become trapped or, for reasons of moral magnitude (heroism), they are unable to leave their posts. Accurate and easily accessed time and attendance information can greatly assist emergency services and rescue personnel. When combined with HR information, we can also be aware of any medical conditions which may affect the health and safety of trapped workers or visitors.
  • You will have awareness of contractors who are habitually absent or late. Occasional lateness or absences can be expected, and there could be many legitimate reasons for the occurrences that are not necessarily the fault of the contractor. When it occurs frequently enough to be classified as habitual, however, it can indicate a problem. Frequent absenteeism or tardiness will slow the completion of a project and could result in penalties or even loss of business.
  • More easily verify (or limit) overtime. A good system of time and attendance checking can let you know if overtime is accumulating, and whether it is justified. If you don’t have the budget for overtime or overtime is not necessary at your work site, you can even set up a system to automatically deny entry after allocated hours have been completed (for safety reasons, exit should never be automatically prevented).
  • Simplify your payroll process. With a properly configured time and attendance data system, payroll processing becomes virtually effortless, as you can automatically ensure people get paid the right amounts according to their contract conditions.

Knowledge is power, and there is no knowledge more important than knowing what is going on in your own business. Leaving everything up to the honesty of your individual workers can sometimes result in considerable surprises. It also adds extra (and unnecessary) steps to numerous processes that would be more efficiently handled by automation.

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LinkSafe can help with all your contractor management needs

LinkSafe can help with all your contractor management needs

Every large business in Australia can benefit from the contractor management systems and services available from LinkSafe. We can provide you with expert consultants who can configure systems perfectly tailored for your individual work sites, to ensure maximum efficiency and lower total cost.

Compared to “flying blind”, using our systems – which have proved themselves effective with hundreds of big business clients throughout Australia – can potentially result in multi-million dollar savings over the medium to long term.

You gain better security, better business insight, better emergency management, and better accountability. Everything that can help you avoid losing money and help to ensure your productivity continues smoothly in almost every circumstance.

To find out more about how we can help your business, call LinkSafe on 1300 558 102. We have experts ready to talk with you and answer all your questions.