Global GovTech provider Civica has recently acquired LinkSafe, marking a significant milestone in the evolution of the company. Discover more about this exciting development by following the link to the official press release. Click here to view the whole article


Learning Teams – Are You Including Your Contractors in Learning for Safety?

Wednesday, June 28th, 2023
Event details
Wednesday, June 28th, 2023
2:00 PM
Practical Advice for Handling Incidents Involving Contractors
Improving safety is all about learning. Learning from both mistakes and successes. Organisations can spend a lot of time looking at safety and learning from those successes and failures with workers. However, do we involve our contractors? Contractors make up approximately 10% of workers in total and in the construction industry over 50% of workers are contractors. As a result they are a rich source of information to improve safety. Importantly contractors are more likely to be injured at work, and not due to their own risks but those of the clients. This means it is critical to include them in the learning activities undertaken to improve safety. But it rarely happens.
Sue Bottrell will be discussing with Melissa Pollock, General Manager of Safety at Abergeldie Complex infrastructure and a highly experienced Chartered OHS Professional (AIHS), the benefit of learning teams to improve safety and the importance of including all workers and contractors in that process.