Global GovTech provider Civica has recently acquired LinkSafe, marking a significant milestone in the evolution of the company. Discover more about this exciting development by following the link to the official press release. Click here to view the whole article


Facility Contractor Management Software Solutions

As a dedicated member of the Facilities Management Association, we deeply comprehend the array of challenges encountered in facility management. Each company can serve hundreds of clients, each with hundreds of sites and an array of responsibilities such as HVAC, general maintenance, and much more. To streamline this process, our centralised contractor management software, offering customised facility contractor management, integrates with existing systems and makes multiple site management a breeze for businesses throughout Australia, enabling automated facility contractor management.

Simplify Contractor & Induction Management

Our Australian-built software, tailored for automated facility contractor management, is designed for facility management businesses. Centralising your contractor management process, the system also ensures contractor compliance and aids in the creation of a list of preferred trades that facility management companies can quickly access and utilise. Such a system provides cost synergies via enhanced gauging and oversight of aspects like contractor selection and their services, facilitating customised facility contractor management.

Once a contractor is pre-qualified and onboarded, our software allows facility management companies to easily assign client-specific as well as site-specific inductions, depending on the client they represent, enhancing the contactless facility contractor management experience.

Reporting & Asset/Work Order Integration Made Easy

Our contractor management software integrates easily with existing asset management systems in facility management companies in Australia. Using our LinkSafe API, we simplify the integration of asset management and work order management data. This feature enables real-time data-driven results through tracking contractor compliance and time on site, making it straightforward to validate contractor invoices against their site attendance, a core aspect of automated facility contractor management.

In addition, our software provides a multitude of reports and dashboards designed to aid facility management companies in reporting back to their clients. Information such as time spent on-site, the contractors being used, proof of their inductions, and more, can all be easily accessed and managed, supporting both customised and contactless facility contractor management approaches.

From contractor and credential management to incident and hazard reporting, induction management, legal expertise and a host of other applications, LinkSafe provides tailored solutions to all your compliance challenges.