Global GovTech provider Civica has recently acquired LinkSafe, marking a significant milestone in the evolution of the company. Discover more about this exciting development by following the link to the official press release. Click here to view the whole article


Cotton On Case Study

May 2021


“LinkSafe is an intuitive easy to use platform. Our workers aren’t lost in a platform of complexity but are engaged with a platform that has a good and logical workflow. LinkSafe’s support is outstanding. They are prompt. They provide great confidence our documentation is in order reducing an administrative burden.”
– Steve Gibbs, Health and Safety, Self-Insurance Business Partner.

As far as Australian retail success stories go, Cotton On is a great example. Its founder, Nigel Austin, first began selling denim jackets out the back of his boot in 1988 at the Geelong market. From there, it has evolved into Australia’s largest global retailer. Known for its fashion clothing and stationery brands, it has over 1,500 stores in 18 countries and employs 22,000 people globally. It currently operates eight brands: Cotton On, Cotton On Kids, Cotton On Body, Factorie, Typo, Rubi, Supré, and Cotton On Foundation.

The Challenge

“Our challenge was to get our people to follow LinkSafe’s Contractor Management System properly. Once they received an email, it had to be actioned. Its simplicity and consistency ensure contractors are up-to-date with their compliance and documentation.”

Cotton On takes the safety of its staff and contractors seriously and it wanted to ensure it and its contractors were compliant in every facet. By doing that, it eliminated risks and incidents it could control by improving and understanding who was and wasn’t compliant.

Cotton On’s engagement with LinkSafe created the effective and efficient management of contractors, their compliance and certification.

“LinkSafe’s reporting is simple, it allows us to go straight to the contractor and make sure their documentation is up-to-date and fully compliant.”

– Steve Gibbs, Health and Safety, Self-Insurance Business Partner.

The Solution

According to Gibbs, LinkSafe was chosen as the provider for its Contractor Management Systems because it effectively delivered confidence around whether their contractors’ documents had been viewed and accepted.

“LinkSafe have been extremely supportive and shown to be not only proactive with their support but have their responses have been rapid and timely. It’s been a rewarding process to see our contractors across Australia and New Zealand compliant.”

The Results

LinkSafe, through their Contractor Management System, have ensured Cotton On as an organisation and its contractors are compliant and protected should an incident ever occur.

“Our contractors realise we take safety very seriously and for Cotton On, safety matters. We ensure our contractors are safe and are all aligned to our philosophy around the critical importance of safety. LinkSafe have been integral in allowing us to do that.”